If it doesn’t work or you can’t see any folders then do the following: Hold Windows key … How to Fix Discord Login Error? PCrisk 9. News Xplained Geek Gaming Streaming Reviews How To Top X Facebook Twitter Instagram To respect content creators and adhere to the web’s norms, our browser plugin’s user-agent token is ChatGPT-User and is configured to honor websites' robots. 8K 129K views 2 years ago Windows 10 This tutorial is. You'll be shown how to fix the error that you're. This may be an issue with your browser/internet.

Here’s how to fix the problem when Discord won’t open on your iPhone or iPad. ago This is what showed up: Any ideas? Don't think I have anti-virus so don't think it could be that. com" and a few of the … Visit the Downdetector Methodology page to learn more about how Downdetector collects status information and detects problems. This should help you access Discord unblocked at school or work. Follow the steps mentioned below to close Discord using task manager: Menu. On login after typing username and pw there is a need for hCaptcha, i press on "Verify", it loads for 2 seconds, then sends me back to login screen and gives a popup on the bottom " wrong username or password", but in the browser it is working. Scroll down under Appearance and click on … Press Windows button + R. Your laptop may not be able to handle opening it, try closing all other tabs/windows and then trying. 1440p 23" monitor) Advanced-Frosting 2 yr. Scan this with the Discord mobile app to log in instantly. Welcome back! We're so excited to see you again! Email or Phone Number * US +1. Fix Discord Not Opening# Here are the fixes that you can try to make Discord … There is something terribly wrong with the login system.

Kill Discord's Tasks via Command Prompt Method 6.